ChessBase Magazine

Pawn sacrifices - small price, big effect

by Oliver Reeh

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Pawn sacrifices can be motivated in very different ways, as the first seven diagrams show!

fen:1k1r1r2/1ppnbp2/p1p1q1p1/4p2p/PP2P3/3PNQ1P/2PB1PP1/R4RK1 w - - 0 1;

Opposite castling - whether the attacker Richard Rapport played his move a tempo in Rapport,R - Short,N?

fen:r2qkb1r/1p1b1ppp/p1np1n2/2p1p3/4P3/2P2N1P/PP1P1PP1/RNBQRBK1 w kq - 0 1;

Rossolimo-Sicilian - how did Black become active in Orlov,O - Kamalidenova,M?

fen:rn1qkb1r/pp3ppp/4pn2/3pNb2/8/2N3P1/PP1PPPBP/R1BQK2R w KQkq - 0 1;

Reti trap - in Assaubayeva,B - Haimovich,T things went downhill for Black after the inaccurate 8...e6?!.

fen:r1bq1rk1/ppp2pbp/3p1np1/3Pp3/2PnP2P/2N2P2/PP2N1P1/R1BQKB1R w KQ - 0 1;

King's Indian motif - in Collin,M - Razafindratsima,T White can't take twice on d4 after 8...Nd4! and on 9.Be3 Black plays dynamically what?

fen:2rr4/5qkp/1pn1bpp1/p1p1pn2/4N3/PP1PPNPP/1Q3PBK/2RR4 w - - 0 1;

In Xue,H - Harsha Bharathakoti White begun a typical act of liberation against the black Maroczy bind.

fen:r2r2k1/1p3pp1/2p3n1/5N1p/P1qP3P/P2nP1R1/1B4P1/1Q3RK1 w - - 0 1;

White's opening move in Vakhidov,J - Keymer,V is obvious (queenside pieces!) - the continuation?

fen:3qrrk1/pp2bppp/2p5/3p1PP1/2P1bBB1/7P/PPPQ4/1K1RR3 w - - 0 1;

Finally, the most difficult case: White to play and win (Sokolovsky,Y - Emmenecker,P).

The following deserves special mention:

fen:5r1k/2p2Qbp/p2p4/6B1/2P5/1P5P/q4PP1/4R1K1 w - - 0 1;

In Shirov,A - Bachmann,A White uncorked the 'Shirov killer' (Efstratios Grivas on 22.11.2024 on the English ChessBase site) - 28.Re8??, which to be honest was your author's first idea...

"My favourites" - interactive training videos

We come to my four favourites, presented as usual in the interactive Fritztrainer format.

fen:r1b3k1/1p3ppp/p7/R7/1Q1p4/8/PPq2PPP/R1B1rNK1 w - - 0 1;

In Aitbayev,A - Sychev,K Black, after strong play from the opening, won prosaically with 18...Qe2, but he could also have been brilliant with 18...Rxf1+!


Video 1: "Beautifully spectacular"

fen:r1bq1rk1/2p1nppp/p2p4/np2p3/4P3/1BNPPN2/PPP3PP/R2Q1RK1 w - - 0 1;

'After 10...Na5 Black exchanges the dangerous white Spanish bishop on b3 and is thus free of all worries' - find the mistake! (De Silva,L - Subelj,J,


Video 2: "Sudden raid"

fen:2r2rk1/p3q1bp/1pb1p3/2np1p2/5P2/2P1B1P1/PPQ1B1NP/R2R2K1 w - - 0 1;

In Fromm,M - Grebnev,A Black's motto was 'first provocation, then combination'


Video 3: "Return motif"

fen:r1bq1rk1/ppp2ppp/2np1n2/4p3/1bPP4/P1N1PN2/1PQB1PPP/R3KB1R w KQ - 0 1;

And in finally in Agibileg,U - Praggnanandhaa,R you have the opportunity to outplay White seemingly effortlessly from the opening alongside a top grandmaster.


Video 4: "Pragg's Nimzoindian"

As always, I wish you every success with the exercises!